Equality & Diversity

At Bendles, we are committed to avoiding discrimination in our dealings with clients, employees and all other third parties that have dealings with the firm. We are committed to promoting diversity in our professional activities. We also aim to ensure every team member feels valued and respected at work.

We actively oppose all forms of unlawful discrimination. Everyone at the firm is expected and required to treat all others equally and with the same attention, courtesy and respect regardless of their:

  • Race or racial group (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins)
  • Sex (including marital status, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity and paternity)
  • Sexual orientation (including civil partnership status)
  • Religion or belief
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Employment status
  • Membership or otherwise of a trade union.

Equality & Diversity

At Bendles, we are committed to avoiding discrimination in our dealings with clients, employees and all other third parties that have dealings with the firm. We are committed to promoting diversity in our professional activities. We also aim to ensure every team member feels valued and respected at work.

We actively oppose all forms of unlawful discrimination. Everyone at the firm is expected and required to treat all others equally and with the same attention, courtesy and respect regardless of their:

  • Race or racial group (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origins)
  • Sex (including marital status, gender reassignment, pregnancy, maternity and paternity)
  • Sexual orientation (including civil partnership status)
  • Religion or belief
  • Age
  • Disability
  • Employment status
  • Membership or otherwise of a trade union.

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