Dispute Resolution

With all legal matters, it’s best to seek advice before the problem gets out of hand. You may think litigation only means court action, but that’s not the case. If you have a dispute of any kind, the earlier you find out your options, the better.

We can advise you on and help resolve the following disputes:

  • Professional Negligence – have you suffered a financial loss or personal injury as a result of bad advice or practice? If a person of professional standing (doctor, solicitor, accountant, etc) has given you incorrect advice or made avoidable mistakes, you may have a claim.
  • Neighbour and boundary disputes – are you plagued by noisy neighbours? Can’t seem to agree who should repair the fence between your gardens? We will help you try and come to an agreement without expensive court proceedings.
  • Will and Estate disputes – not sure a loved one’s Will is valid? Or haven’t got something you were promised? We’ll help you follow all the necessary procedures to contest a Will.
  • Housing problems – Do you feel your landlord is unreasonable? Threatened with homelessness? Everyone has a right to a roof over their head. We’ll help you get shelter.
  • Consumer contract disputes – Do you need a bit of help understanding the fine print? Or have you been sold something that’s not fit for purpose? We’ll make sure you don’t fall foul of contract law.

We will do everything we can to settle your disputes out of court. So you can save time, money and avoid the stress of it all. Even if you think you can’t afford our help, a no win no fee agreement is sometimes available.

If we can’t resolve matters without court action, we’ll fight your corner. Our solicitors have a wealth of experience representing clients in court.

Our Litigation & Dispute Resolution Team

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