Applying for a Grant of Probate

Bendles Solicitor, James Worsick, who specialises in Wills, Estates and Probate, recently took part in some research carried out by the Probate Registry to help improve the new online process for Probate applications. Read on to find out how the process works and James’ thoughts on the new application system.

“A Grant of Probate, is a document which gives executors the legal authority to deal with a deceased’s persons affairs.

The probate application form has recently been modernised into an online application form, which generates a legal statement for the executors to sign. This statement forms part of the probate application and is sent to the Probate Registry, alongside the deceased person’s Will and inheritance tax forms. This legal statement has replaced executors swearing an oath, in the presence of an independent solicitor.

So what does the new processes mean for executors?

The online portal has been up and running for almost a year and whilst the online form is a major step forward and does make the process less prone to human error, it still has a few teething problems executors might expect to encounter. We would recommend executors double check the personal details they provide online are correct and remember to send the Probate Registry original documents.

For more complex estates, a new paper form is in use but the Probate Registry are constantly trying to improve the online form so it can be used in more situations.

Following the meeting with the Probate Registry we are optimistic the online form will continue to become more user-friendly as the updates are made, ultimately saving both us and our clients time.”

If you have been given the role of executor, you are legally responsible for ensuring the estate is dealt with correctly and in accordance with the Will. We are here to help, be it with the estate administration, one-off advice, or assistance with the application for Probate.

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